
Physical Therapy Evaluation

A physical therapy evaluation includes collecting your health history and listening to your subjective report regarding your physical therapy needs. It will also include an objective examination with components such as gait assessment, postural assessment, ROM testing, strength testing, balance testing, and home safety assessment. At the conclusion of the evaluation I will provide you with a physical therapy diagnosis and prognosis and we will work together to establish our physical therapy goals and plan of care.

Physical Therapy Evaluation: $120.00

Evaluation + treatment packages available


A physical therapy treatment session will directly correlate to the subjective and objective findings of your evaluation. Treatments may include, but are not limited to, gait training, manual therapy and stretching, kinesiotaping, home exercise instruction, neuromuscular reeducation, home safety education, fall prevention education, pre/post operative orthopedic rehab.

A La Carte Treatment: Cost TBD

Full Treatment Session: $60.00

Home Safety Assessment

Are you falling frequently in your home? Do you experience increased pain performing daily chores? I can assess all areas of your home for fall risks and provide recommendations. I can also make ergonomic recommendations that might help reduce your pain.

Home Safety Assessment: $50.00


Did you get discharged from physical therapy but feel you need more therapy?

Did your insurance restrict you from having more therapy?

Do you want a physical therapist to help you continue with a home exercise program?

Do you want a physical therapist to take you on walks so you can gain strength and endurance despite your balance issues, pain or weakness?

These are some components that would fall under the umbrella of “wellness.”

Wellness Visit: Cost TBD