Homefit Physical Therapy, LLC is a cash-based, mobile physical therapy option in the greater Lansing area. By eliminating restrictions from insurance companies I am able to provide flexible, concierge style one-on-one patient care in the comfort of your own home or office. I can design a therapy program as simple as providing you with exercises to complete on your own or working with you over multiple sessions. I look forward to hearing from you!

My Services

  • Physical Therapy Evaluation

    A physical therapy evaluation includes a health history, a subjective and objective examination.

  • Treatments

    A physical therapy treatment session will directly correlate to the subjective and objective findings of your evaluation.

  • Home Safety Assessment

    Are you falling frequently in your home? Is your pain aggravated by doing household tasks?

  • Wellness

    Would you benefit from continued supervised exercise or gait training after being discharged from a formal physical therapy program?

“Hello prospective patients and friends!”

My name is Kara Eldridge. I have been a physical therapist for 20 years! I recently stepped away from full- time employment to slow down and watch my girls grow up. However, I missed working with patients and helping the community feel better and live better which is why I started homefit physical therapy llc.